Thursday, March 29, 2007

Blogging CEOs

It seems like a blog gets created every couple of seconds and now CEOs are encouraged to take advantage of Web 2.0 technology and get in touch with their clients and share holders.

But what if a CEO doesn't have anything interesting to say? Will that harm the company?

Ian Harvey, in Backbone article CEOs should blog, writes "We tend to expect miracles from CEOs...They must be part accountant, part pit boss, part Dr. Phil and part visionary... And now, we expect them to be communicators."

I wonder when CEOs can fit blogging into their busy schedules. It's true, they are expected to keep a company afloat and now we want to hear from the person behind the scenes.

Many high-level executives have started a blog, but there are still others who are resistant. There's even the CEO Bloggers' Club, which offers tips on how to blog, starting a blog and who are the new members.

They even outline how a CEO should tag their blog to be successful at giving the organization and its readers an insight into his/her vision and personality.

Basically, this is another strategy to try to make a company seem more personable. Quarterly meetings and presentations are not enough in this tech-age. As an audience who wants to know about everyone's doings, it is only fitting that we expect regular
communication from the "boss."

More reading: CEOs told 'blog and embrace web 2.0'
Debbie Well on BlogWrite for CEOs
Example of a CEO blogging: Jonathan Schwartz CEO of Sun Microsystems


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vostè haurà de considerar els aspectes dins d'un repte important per a un de tots els llocs de blocs més beneficiós per a tots els de la xarxa. De fet, em poden suggerir que el lloc web!

4:35 AM  

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